Meetings & Events Diary
Monthly meetings take place on the last Tuesday of most months from 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the Small Hall at Hadleigh United Reformed Church, 1 Church Road, Hadleigh, Essex, SS7 2DQ.
The church can be found at the western end of Church Road in Hadleigh, opposite the car park for the Iceland store. There is parking available in the car park behind the adjacent Choice store.
There is a meeting fee of £2.50, which includes refreshments. Friends and neighbours are welcome to come with a member, as their guest, to any meeting.
Latest Past Events
London Road Hadleigh Test Pit Dig
London Rd, Hadleigh nr MorrisonsThis first AGES dig of 2024 will seek to date the finds uncovered in the rear garden of a cottage that once stood on the edge of Hadleigh Common. Could this be the site of the Victorian village dump? The dig is free…
Preparing for the May 2024 Hadleigh Dig
Hadleigh United Reformed Church 1 Church Road, HadleighPig and cattle jaws seen at recent Faunal Remains workshop Terry will give health and safety reminders and joining instructions for our forthcoming dig of 2 garden test pits on 8th and 9th May. (After the break, there will a short update on…
On ZoomGraham Shuttlewood will presnt his Powerpoint on ‘Why Did I Go To Pompeii?’ After a short break midway, Terry Barclay will bring us up to date on local archaeological digs Pompeii by Winston Churchill Current and recent AGES members only will recive a…